Bug Hunter Challenge

Easter Edition

Do you like to play breakout games? Are you an expert in finding your way to some Easter eggs? Then you must be an expert in having fun with a new challenge and in finding bugs as well! 


If you are fast and smart to help our little Easter chicken find its Easter egg AND are cracking a new high score by finding as many correct bugs in short time, you will have the chance to win a gift card at Amazon worth 100€.

The challenge:

  • Easter is coming soon and therefore, a game company is developing an Easter version of their beloved breakout game. Unfortunatley, they are having issues with bugs and weird behaviors.
  • This means that several bugs have found their way into the code and it is now your job to use your exploratory skills to test this game based on the shown requirements and find as many bugs as you can within 5 minutes.
  • The clock will count down and be visible during the exercise. 


  • You can move from the requirements list and the testing environment (breakout game) as often as you like to.
  • Latest after your times is up, you will have to document within a checkbox list what bugs you have found.
  • For each correct answer, you will be rewarded with 5-15 points.
  • For each false answer, your total score will be deducted with 5-15 points.
  • Also, the amount of time left after completing the exercise will determine your place on the leaderboard in case you have the same high score as somebody else. The faster you are, the better chance of winning

To get you started right away, and give you some hints as well on where and how to start, some instructions will be shown after you have signed up. The requirements will be visible during the exercise.

We recommend to join the challenge on your desktop / notebook instead of participating with your mobile phone.

Have fun and happy Easter egg hunting with your new friend, the Easter chicken!
... Bug hunting, of course :)

This challenge is closed.

bug hunter easter_

Current high score #top5

Place Username Score Time


Terms and conditions

Period and price
  • Time period for the competition is 25th of March - 14th of of April 2024 (eod)
  • The price is a gift card from Amazon worth 100€
Determining the winner
  • The person, who scored the most points, will be the winner of this bug hunter game. Besides scoring the points, the amount of time left after completing the exercise will determine your place on the leaderboard in case you have the same high score as somebody else. The more time left, the better chance of winning.
  • The winner will be contacted shortly after the deadline of the competition to verify the e-mail address so that the price can be shared. If the winner does not reply to the e-mail, he/she signed up with, within 48 hours, the price will be handed over to the second winner.
Fair competition and participation
  • We want to provide a fair competition. Therefore, every participant is only allowed to play once and multiple playthroughs will lead to elimination from the competition.
  • Everyone is allowed to join this challenge. However and as this challenge wants to engage company external participants, employees of System Verification will be excluded from winning.
  • Participating in our competitions is free of charge. The winner is responsible for any profit tax. The winnings are not exchangeable for money and the right to collect the winnings is personal and cannot be transferred to anyone else.
  • All rights, including intellectual property rights (eg copyright) to your competition entry that you submit to the competition belong to System Verification. We are free to use this in any context and freely transfer, lease and change the same.
  • Keep track of our competitions, what the winnings are and how you compete in each individual competition - follow us on our LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

Do you have questions about this competition? Reach out to Celina Strietzel